28 Aug Wiley Ranch Southern Harvest Female Sale
Start Date:
September 8th
End Date:
September 9th
Wiley Ranch
155 Sayes Rd Deville, LA 71328
WELCOME to the annual Southern Harvest Sale hosted by Wiley Ranch.
This year’s Brangus offering is the six-year-old females from the Blackwater and Salacoa Valley herds as well as select cattle from some of our cooperators. The Santa Gertrudis offering is a select group of all classes from the Wiley herds and
again includes cattle from cooperators. There will be pairs, breds, and open cattle with plenty of opportunity in front of them. Donors and females we should have flushed will be offered for sale.
We will also be offering a set of commercial cattle. There will be bred and open females in this group and they also have plenty of runway ahead of them.
The ACE group as well as our cooperators are committed to providing a dependable, reliable product to our clients. We stand behind every sale and our goal is to produce a product that makes this easily attainable. We understand that our success is defined by our product and your continued success with our product. With that in mind we are pleased to offer this group of cattle for your appraisal.
Once again, it is always our pleasure to welcome you to Louisiana and as always provide you with a Louisiana experience we truly hope you enjoy. Don’t miss our feed on Friday evening and Jambalaya on Saturday. We always look forward to the food and conversation and hope you do too.
Kim and Karen Wiley
Event Schedule
Hampton Inn & Suites | (318) 253-7576 | code SOUTHERN HARVEST CATTLE SALE
6896 Hwy 1, Mansura LA 71350
Paragon Casino Resort | (800) 741-3112 | code KES08GR
711 Paragon Place, Marskville LA 71351
Quail Valley Farms
Ricky & Angie Cleveland, Owners | 205.533.5049
Wiley Ranch
Kim & Karen Wiley | 318.481.6927
Erik & Keri Wiley | 318.481.8082
American Cattle Enterprise
Trey Kirkpatrick | 979.324.5518
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